As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): January 2016

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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Tarot Card of the Day: Strength VIII

As the Shadow Planets Rahu and Ketu recently transited into Leo and Aquarius recently, we are going to look at the Tarot Cards that represent these two Astrological Signs.
Strength VIII The Astrological Sign Leo

Strength is the number 8 card in the Major Arcana. In a Tarot Spread, depending on its placement it can mean effortless domination, strength, effortless mastery, skill, manipulation, creative approach and the power of virtue.

As the Strength card stands for Leo, it carries with it the Astrological Connotations of the Sign. Leo is the Fixed Fire Sign, masculine, strong, passionate and immensely creative and family oriented. The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) Magha, Purva Phalguni, and a segment of Uttara Phalguni are located in the Sign of Leo.
Passionate Leo is ruled by the Sun If The Sun XIX shows up in the same Tarot Spread, it will reinforce the energy of the Strength card.
The Sun XIX represents the Sun, Ruler of Leo

Numerically Strength VIII is related to all the 8 cards of the Minor Arcana, and the 17. card The Star of the Major Arcana (which is incidentally the card of Aquarius, the Sign where Ketu is located at this moment)
17 (1+7)=8 The Star XVII
8 of Cups (Water)
8 of Swords (Air)
8 of Pentacles (Earth)
8 of Wands (Fire)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Planetary Influences for February 2016


Sun is in the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn until the 13th, when it moves to the Fixed Air Sign Aquarius. Both of these Signs are ruled by the Planet Saturn. Sun in Aquarius will be under the aspect of Mars after the 21st of February. Life Giving Sun is not happy in Aquarius as it is the "Natural Enemy" of the Sign's Ruling Planet Saturn. 
The aspect from the Warrior Planet, Mars will add some aggression and frustration to the already uncomfortable energy of Sun in Aquarius. As the Shadow Planet Ketu is occupying Aquarius at the moment, it will have further negative effects on the Sun, causing self doubt, lack of confidence, low self esteem.
New Moon will be on the 8th of February in Aquarius. The New Moon in conjunction with the Sun and Ketu in the Fixed Air Sign ruled by Saturn.

Full Moon in Virgo the Mutable Earth Sign of Mercury on the 24th.  Full Moon in Virgo is very well placed, enhancing the positive and very attractive qualities of the Moon, beauty, love, kindness and creativity. The second Full Moon of this year will be a safe and powerful one.
Speedy Mercury will enter Capricorn on the 9th of February, leaving behind both the Sign and the growth promoting, expanding aspect of Jupiter. In Capricorn Mercury will be under the aspect of Saturn and also in a Sign ruled by Saturn. This double Saturn effect will require some adjustment of business activities and communication, as Saturn is the Planet of Discipline and Hard Work and Practicality.

Venus, the Planet of Beauty, Art, Love and Luxury will follow Mercury from Sagittarius into Capricorn on the 12th of February. As Venus is in Planetary Friendship with Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, it is very well placed in the sign. Similarly, the aspect of Saturn will be beneficial for the Planet of Love. Auspicious time for Art and Romance.

Mars leaves the Cardinal Air sign Libra and enters its own sign the Fixed Water Sign Scorpio on the 21st.  As Mars is the ruler of the Sign, this is a very good placement, bringing great opportunities for action and achievements. For the next few months Mars is going to share Scorpio with Saturn. These two have very different energies and they are "Natural Enemies" but in Scorpio Mars and Saturn together can give positive results, if one doesn't let hot headed impulses win over long time considerations. 

Lucky Jupiter is in the Fixed Fire sign Leo, joined by Rahu. Rahu and Jupiter in the House ruled by the Sun can be explosive, so pay attention to desires and greed getting the upper hand over morals and integrity. Right now Both Jupiter and Rahu are under the aspect of Scorpio, so some delays can be expected along with the need to be diligent and hard working. Depending on the Birth Chart, Jupiter-Rahu conjunction can also be a very prosperous time for growth and expansion in business, wealth and social status.

Saturn, the Great Disciplinary will remain in Scorpio for the whole month, joined by Mars on the 21st of February. Scorpio is the Sign of Death, Secrets, Mysteries and Hidden Knowledge. While Saturn can cause hardship and delays, this placement is very auspicious for students of the Occult, provided they follow the "rules" of Saturn and they remain disciplined and persevering.

Rahu is in Leo with Jupiter for the whole month, both Retrograde, as the Shadow Planets Rahu and Ketu are naturally Retrograde, and Jupiter is in its Retrograde Cycle.
Ketu in Aquarius will be conjunct with the Sun from the 13th, both receiving the Aspect of Mars after the 21st of February. The apathetic renouncing nature of Ketu will benefit from the energetic and action oriented Mars.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rahu The Head of the Dragon in Astrology

Rahu is the Ascending Lunar Node. It is a very powerful Shadow Planet, situated where the orbit of the Moon crosses the Celestial Ecliptic. In Western Astrology it was known as Caput Draconis, The Head of the Dragon. Rahu (and the opposite Lunar Node, Ketu) has a naturally Retrograde Path. Right now Rahu is transiting the Fixed Fire Sign, Leo, sharing the sign with Retrograde Jupiter.

Diagram of the Lunar Orbit intersecting the Ecliptic

Astrological Symbols of Rahu and Ketu
    Even though in both Vedic and Western Astrology Rahu is considered a Natural Malefic, depending on the individual's Birth Chart, Rahu can be responsible for incredible wealth and good fortune. Both Shadow Planets, Rahu and Ketu are depositors of Karmic energy. Rahu can be the ultimate giver if it is well placed in the Birth Chart. During the Planetary Period (Dasha) of Rahu either extreme difficulties, or unbelievable good luck and growth happens. Rahu tend to take on the characteristics of the Planet that rules the Astrological Sign where Rahu is placed in the Birth Chart.
Indian representation of Rahu as one of the Navagraha (Nine Planets)

  The Planetary Gemstone for Rahu is Gomed (Hessonite Garnet). It is the "coldest" of the Planetary Gems, transmitting ultraviolet light. This beautiful gem should only be worn after careful consideration and meticulous astrological calculations, because Rahu is the Planet of Extremes, so Gomed will fast give either excellent, or disastrous results. Secondary Gems for Rahu can be other Garnets, Sapphire, Topaz, as long as the color and hue of the gem is the same, or at least very close to that of Gomed.

Faceted Gomed (Hessonite Garnet) the traditional Gem for Rahu

Orange Sapphire, wonderful Gem for Rahu

Rahu's effect is very powerful, no matter in which Sign or which House of the Birth Chart the Shadow Planet is in. The most effective way to deal with the challenges posed by Rahu is to understand Rahu's energies, and consciously work with the planet, since everybody will have Rahu somewhere in their Horoscope. As with all the "Malefic Planets" there is no escaping their influence! Gem remedies, lifestyle changes, but first and foremost conscious awareness will give the best results.

Natural Orange Quartz, opens the Second Chakra and mediates harmful effects of Rahu
Interestingly, the color orange is associated with the Second Chakra, the Seat of Desires and the gateway to unlimited knowledge and intuition. Wearing Hessonite Garnet and other orange gemstones will work through the aura to remove all blockages from the Svadhisthana, doing the work of Rahu, therefore clear the path for Karmic lessons to be learned and understood, allowing Rahu to act in a positive way.
The Second or Sacral Chakra Seat of Desires and Gateway to Unlimited Knowledge

Gomed (Hessonite Garnet)

Monday, January 25, 2016

Mercury at Direct Station in Sagittarius

Today the Planet Mercury is at its Direct Station in the Mutable Fire Sign of Sagittarius. Direct Station is the point, where a planet seems to stand still after moving Retrograde and before resuming its Forward Motion. As Mercury is a fast moving planet, it will be only a few hours at this stand still position. All the problems caused by Retrograde and Combust Mercury since the beginning of the year have finally came to an end. As Mercury resumes its Forward path, it gives us all the energy we need for monetary transactions, commerce, business and communication.

   This is an absolutely fantastic time to reengage in these activities, all the more, as Sagittarius is Ruled by Jupiter, and right now the whole sign is also aspected by the Planet Jupiter, (currently in Leo) creating a perfect environment for growth, expansion and Fabulous Luck!!! Business plans, negotiations starting right now have an excellent chance to succeed, supported by both Mercury and Jupiter.

   Mercury will enter the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn on the 9th of February, after that date it will no longer be under the growth promoting influence of Jupiter, so take advantage of these 15 days for business dealings and negotiations! This is the time to wear Emeralds and Yellow Sapphires. These two gems can be worn together at the same time without any adverse effect as Mercury and Jupiter are not "enemy planets", but please check your Birth Chart to see whether these gemstones are suitable for you or not!
Emerald, the Primary Gemstone for harnessing the beneficial effects of the Planet Mercury
Yellow Sapphire is the Primary Gem for Lucky Jupiter

The Planet Jupiter, also known as the "Greater Benefic" is represented in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck by the 10th card of the Major Arcana, the Wheel of Fortune.
Wheel of Fortune X the Planet Jupiter

This is the card of Good Luck, monetary gain, fortune, the cycle of life, change and fate. Astrologically the Wheel of Fortune X is related to the Temperance XIV representing the sign of Sagittarius, and The Moon XVIII representing Pisces. These are the two signs of the Zodiac ruled by Jupiter. Both Sagittarius and Pisces are Mutable signs.When the Wheel of Fortune card shows up in a Tarot Spread with either of these cards, Jupiter gets reinforced and helped by them.

The Moon XVIII the Mutable Water Sign Pisces, ruled by Jupiter

Temperance IV the Mutable Fire Sign Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter
 As the Planet of Good Luck Jupiter is in Exaltation in the sign of Cancer and in astrological Fall in Capricorn, The Chariot VII card will also be helpful if it is present in the Spread.
The Chariot VII Cardinal Water sign Cancer, where Jupiter is Exalted

If The Devil XV shows up in the Tarot Spread, it will have a considerable weakening effect on the Wheel of Fortune, as Jupiter is weak (in Fall) in the Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn.
The Devil XV Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn, where Jupiter is in Fall

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Full Moon in Cancer

Today is the Full Moon in Cancer, a wonderful day for romance, artistic pursuits and creative endeavors. The Full Moon has always been considered auspicious by different cultures across the Globe because of the breath taking beauty of the Moon in its full glory in the night sky. In reality, the Full Moon can have several adverse effects, depending on which sign the Moon occupies during the Full Moon. Today is a truly auspicious and safe Full Moon, as the Moon is in its own sign, the Cardinal Water Sign, Cancer.
As it is the Ruler of Cancer, the energy of the Moon is right now devoid of all confusing and psychologically disturbing side effects. The Full Moon in Cancer has a very strong feminine energy, enhancing imagination, creativity, and an overwhelming feeling of interconnectedness with our unconscious and with the Universe. Don't hold back, embrace the Full Moon tonight and get in touch with the elemental feminine energies of the Moon.
Natural Pearls are the traditional Gems for the Moon
Moonstones are the Secondary Gemstones that are excellent to attract the mysterious energy of the Moon

Wear your Pearls and Moonstones, and spend some time outdoors tonight to enjoy the beauty of the Full Moon. Today is an excellent day for a romantic evening. Other than love and romance, artists will greatly benefit from the Full Moon in Cancer.
As the Moon is the fastest moving of the Planets, it is very important to know its position in the Birth Chart. Knowing which House the Moon occupies in the Birth Chart can tell you exactly which area of your life is affected by the fast moving, waxing waning Moon. In addition to the House (Bhava) the Zodiac Sign where the Moon was at the moment of birth is also very important. (also known as the "Moon Sign")

In the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the Moon is represented by the number 2 card of the Major Arcana The High Priestess II. The Astrological sign Cancer is represented by the number 7 card, The Chariot VII. In the Minor Arcana the 4 of Cups is also known as "The Lord of Blended Pleasure" Moon in Cancer.

The Chariot is the card of controlled effort and focused balancing power. It represents the Cardinal Water Sign, Cancer. The Water Element always contains an inherent danger and mysterious depth beneath the often peaceful surface. Similarly, the charioteer is steering his vehicle in a steady peace, but upon inspection, the imagery reveals that there are in fact opposing forces in play and it takes supreme effort and skill from the charioteer to manage to control these forces and advance according to his desire. As Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, there is also an aspect of beginning, opening, advancing, which is clearly seen in The Chariot.
The Chariot -Cancer

The High Priestess II is the Moon. Duality between the hidden and the obvious, the conscious and the subconscious, harmony, balance, emotions, secret knowledge, feminine power.
The High Priestess - Moon

The 4 of Cups, as all cards in the Suit of Cups refers to emotions and feelings. Cups represent the element of Water, and the 4s represent stability structure and security. The 4 of Cups, depending on its place in the Tarot Spread means ennui, boredom, emotional stagnation, self absorption and emotional dissatisfaction. It is often a warning card to remind the Querent that he or she needs to pay attention to opportunities instead of being too jaded and bored.
"The Lord of Blended Pleasure" Moon in Cancer 4 of Cups

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Mercury still Retrograde, but no longer in Combustion with the Sun

We have three more days before speedy Mercury, the Planet of Communication, Commerce and Trade resumes its forward path. Fortunately Mercury is no longer in Combustion with the Sun, as a matter of fact, because of its retrograde motion, Mercury is getting farther away from the Sun.

Screenshot of the sky in Subang Jaya Malaysia, notice the distance between Mercury  and the Sun
   One detrimental position, the Combustion, is now over, so Mercury's energy is not nullified by its extreme closeness to the Sun. However, it is still in its Retrograde Cycle, so the time is still not favorable for Mercury related "actions", such as financial deals, signing of contracts, or investments.

   On the other hand, if Mercury is well placed in the Birth Chart in Houses that DO NOT affect money and income of any kind, or communication, Mercury's beneficial energy is already available. You can put back on your Emeralds, Peridots, or other translucent green gemstones, but don't start yet anything that needs Mercury's fast moving energy.

Demantoid Garnet, rare and pricey, but a wonderful gem for channeling the energy of Mercury

Emerald, the traditional Primary Gemstone recommended for Mercury

Chrome Tourmaline, its color is caused by the same element as that of Emeralds, "chromium"

The picture doesn't do justice to the actual color and fire of Peridot. Affordable and stunning gem for Mercury!
   This is the good time to make plans and preparations. Get ready with your resume if you are looking for a job, look over the contract you are planning on signing, prepare your advertising campaign, but wait with action till January 26th.

The conduit between Heaven and Earth, all 4 suits are represented on the Magician's table
   In the Tarot Deck, the Planet Mercury is represented by The Magician, the number 1 card of the Major Arcana. Initiation, beginning, ideas, fresh starts, new opportunities are the main keywords for The Magician. It is a very strong card when it shows up in a spread, always signifying something new. As number 1, The Magician is related numerically to all the Aces of the four Tarot suits. Also to The Wheel of Fortune, the 10th of the Major Arcana (10, 1+0=1), and The Sun, the 19th card. (19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1)
Wheel of Fortune X is Change, Cyclical rise and fall and Good Luck
The Sun XIX is Good Times, Security, Abundance and Success

  Astrologically, The Magician is related to The Lovers (Gemini), and The Hermit (Virgo) as these are the signs that are ruled by Mercury.
The Lovers VI represents the Mutable Air Sign Gemini

The Hermit IX represents the Mutable Earth Sign Virgo
The Planet Mercury is Exalted in Virgo, (it's own Sign) and in Fall in Pisces. This means that when The Magician shows up in a Tarot Spread with The Lovers (Gemini) or The Hermit (Virgo) , it will reinforce and "help" The Magician, but when The Moon (Pisces) card show up in the spread, it will automatically weaken the effect of The Magician.
The Moon XVII represents the Mutable Water Sign Pisces

Friday, January 22, 2016

Tarot Card of the Day 4 of Pentacles

As the Sun is in Capricorn right now, let's look at briefly the card that corresponds to this specific astrological situation in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck. The 4 of Pentacles is also known as "The Lord of Material Power".
As the image says, money and wealth even under your feet and above your head

Part of the Suit of Pentacles, it represents the element of Earth. Pentacle cards refer to wealth, money, the physical body, health, security and generally the manifest world. In the case of the 4 of Pentacles, this strong "Earth character" is further reinforced by its association with Capricorn, the Cardinal Earth Sign of the Zodiac.
The Devil XV represents the Cardinal Earth Astrological Sign of Capricorn
The Sun XIX represents the Sun

 As Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, in addition to The Sun (Sun) and The Devil (Capricorn), the 4 of Pentacles is also astrologically related to The World (Saturn)
The World XXI represents the Planet Saturn it also the last card of the Major Arcana, the last step on "The Fool's Journey"

Don't let the image fool you to believe that this card is about stinginess. It is a very secure and strong card relating to wealth, physical strength and wellbeing. As all the 4s of the Minor Arcana, the 4 of Pentacles is related to The Emperor in the Major Arcana, signifying structure, strength and stability.

The Emperor IV is the Archetype of 4 representing strength, structure, stability and authority
Depending on its placement in the Tarot Spread, the 4 of Pentacles can mean wealth, security, strength, but also can indicate stagnation. As Capricorn is a Cardinal sign, there is a sense of action and initiation involved in reading this card correctly.

Numerically the 4 of Pentacles is related to Death, the number XIII of the Major Arcana.

Death XII represents death but also change and secrets (the white rose on the flag is an ancient symbol of hidden knowledge and secrets)
The 4 of Pentacles very often shows up in a Tarot Spread as a "reassurance", meaning that everything is secure and structured, it is safe to take action regarding financial matters.