As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology)

Do you Heart, too?

Saturday, January 9, 2016

   Today we are in the midst of a full blown Planetary War between Venus and Saturn in the Fixed Water Sign of Scorpio. The consensus of ancient and modern astrologers is that Venus will emerge victorious, as it is brighter. No matter which planetary force will "win", during planetary war (Graha Yuddha) the energies of both planets involved are rendered ineffective. In this case, neither Venus's, nor Saturn's energy function in its usual strength and manner.
   The best thing to do today is to put on hold romantic plans, and everything that you need Venus or Saturn energy for. Planetary Wars are powerful events, but their effect is as short lived as the duration of the "close encounter".
   Today is the last day of the Waning Crescent Moon, relax, rest and don't start any new venture today. As it is Saturday, you can use the day for meditation, reading, a nice relaxing walk in the park.

   Today the two Lunar Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) are transiting into Leo and Aquarius respectively. For the duration of their transit, all eclipses will happen in the signs of Leo and Aquarius. Rahu and Ketu have a naturally retrograde path. As these Shadow Planets will be transiting the same signs for the next year and half, this is a very significant event. The exact effect of Rahu and Ketu in Leo and Aquarius is determined by the Birth Chart of each individual.
   On a broad, general note one can say however, that Rahu in Leo might be problematic, as Rahu is not in "planetary friendship" with Fiery Leo's ruling planet, the Sun. The obsessive nature of Rahu remaining in the house of Sun for a year and half is bound to cause some trouble. On the other hand, Ketu in Aquarius is very well placed, as the ruler of Airy Aquarius is Saturn, a planet in "friendship" with Ketu.

 Hessonite Garnet, also known as Gomed, the gemstone associated with Rahu in Vedic Astrology.
 Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye, the gem that represents and channels the energy of Ketu.
Caput Draconis (Head of the Dragon) is the Latin name used in traditional Western Astrology for Rahu, and Cauda Draconis (Tail of the Dragon) is the Latin name for Ketu. As with almost every astrological concept, the imagery is identical in Western and Indian Astrology.

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