As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): New Moon in Sagittarius

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Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Moon in Sagittarius

Today is the New Moon in the Mutable Fire Sign of Sagittarius. Moon is in excellent position in Sagittarius, as it is in 'Planetary Friendship" with Jupiter, the Ruler of Sagittarius. The combination of the growing and expanding energy of the Waxing Crescent Moon and that of Jupiter is very powerful. As Jupiter right now is in its Retrograde Cycle in Leo, this combined effect is not quite as strong as it could be, nonetheless it is an excellent time for growth in the romantic and emotional arena.
As Retrograde Jupiter and Rahu are occupying together the Fixed Fire Sign of Leo, for individuals with Rahu and Jupiter in favorable position in their Birth Chart it is a very auspicious time for expansion in other matters as well.
Retrograde Mercury is in Combustion with the Sun, best to delay financial dealings, as without the energy of Mercury fully functional, communication and financial transactions won't get the necessary planetary boost.
For increased artistic creativity, and romantic success, today is a very good day to start wearing natural pearls or moonstone.
 Moonstone and natural pearl channels the energy of the Moon, wearing these beautiful gems is particularly effective during the Waxing Moon.
Worn as rings, or around the neck pearls and moonstones transmit the essential vibration of the Moon, tuning the subconscious mind into perfect harmony with the cyclical nature of Lunar energy, enhancing creativity, mental clarity and original thinking. Indirectly, moonstones and pearls also attract romance and admiration for women.

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