As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Venus in Sagittarius January 21

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Venus in Sagittarius January 21

   Venus is currently transiting the Mutable Fire sign of Sagittarius, joining Retrograde Mercury. Venus is very well placed in Sagittarius, as the ruler of the sign, Jupiter is in Planetary Friendship with the Planet of Love and Beauty. The time of this transit is beneficial for creative and artistic pursuits, especially as right now the whole sign is aspected by Jupiter. Even though Jupiter is Retrograde at the moment, it still casts some of its benefic energy on Venus in Sagittarius.

   The mutable nature of the sign promotes "big picture" ideas, a flexible approach, and a generally free spirited way of dealing with relationships. There is a lot of opportunity for growth and development in the areas of relationships, art and creativity during this transit.

   Mercury, also in Sagittarius, is still Retrograde, so investments and financial dealings will not benefit from this otherwise favorable planetary position until Mercury resumes its forward motion on the 26th of January.

   As Mars, the Warrior Planet is in Libra, this is also an excellent time to solve disputes, as Mars in Libra is focused and strong, but without its often unnecessarily aggressive edge.

Unless otherwise indicated by the Birth Chart, Diamond, White Sapphire and White Topaz will enhance the beneficial effect of Venus for Love, Relationship, and Art during this transit.
Diamond, the Primary Gemstone For Venus

   Red Coral or Carnelian can be very helpful for focusing efforts and increasing stamina. Be mindful that natural (untreated) Red Coral is a very hot gemstone. Regardless of the position of the planets, Red Coral should not be worn on very hot days. (Like right now here in Malaysia!)

Red Carnelian, the secondary gem for Mars

Natural Red Coral, the gemstone of Mars
Natural Red Coral

   The best gems for hot and dry weather are Blue Sapphire, Gomed, Diamond, Emerald and Pearl. These are Planetary Gems, so before you put them on, you need to check whether these gems are suitable for you as per your Birth Chart, or not. (On my website there is a page on explaining the suitability of gemstones in details.)

   Other than the Planetary Gems, there are other very safe gemstones that have the ability to considerably lower body temperature. Clear Quartz, Kyanite, Fluorite and Smoky Quartz, Blue Zircon, Blue Topaz and Amethyst are perfect for anyone for cooling the body on a hot day.

Clear Quartz, also known as Rock Crystal is a very cooling stone
Amethyst, basically a purple Quartz is cooling and calming

Blue Zircon is a rare, but wonderful gem with a cooling, calming effect
Smoky Quartz is probably the most "manly" of all the cooling stones
Kyanite comes in many colors, the most spectacular is a strong blue

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