As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Sun in Capricorn January 16th

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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Sun in Capricorn January 16th

   Yesterday the Sun entered the Cardinal Earth Sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. Sun in Capricorn is giving us structure, groundedness and security. This period is a very good time for planning and starting buildings and constructions. As this sign is ruled by Saturn, there should be an emphasis on discipline, punctuality and meticulous planning.

   Waxing Crescent Moon is in Fiery Aries, also a Cardinal sign, and it is aspected by the Sun, further enhancing the "starting" "initiating" energies of today's Sun-Moon combination. Time to take romantic situations to the next level, or simply giving structure to an existing relationship.
Mercury is still Retrograde in Sagittarius, and is still in Combustion with the Sun, so this time is not auspicious for financial transactions and business negotiations
   Venus and Saturn in the Fixed Water sign of Scorpio don't give adverse effect, as they are on "friendly terms" with each other.

   Mars in Libra allows for reasonably peaceful resolutions of conflicts, as the Warrior Planet's aggressiveness is under the control of the harmonious nature of Libra, but it's natural strength is intact.

   Retrograde Jupiter in Leo together with Rahu gives some benefit for growth and achievement in the fields of education and wealth, but this beneficial effect will be at its maximum strength only after Lucky Jupiter resumes it's forward path.

    Ketu in the Fixed Air sign of Aquarius may give some tendencies to withdraw from people and enjoy solitude, but don't give in to the temptation, this is the time for community, family, planning and enjoying and reaffirming our place in society.
 Ruby is the traditional gemstone recommended by Vedic Astrologers to channel the life giving energy of the Sun.
 Rhodolite Garnet is a wonderful and affordable secondary gem for the Sun.
Red Beryl, although rare and pricey if it is untreated, is also a superb gem to wear to attract invigorating Solar Energy.
Unless otherwise indicated by the Birth Chart, the first few days of the Solar Month (When the Sun "actually" enters a new sign, which roughly corresponds to the 15th of the Western Calendar Months)
wearing Rubies or other red translucent gemstones can be very beneficial!

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