As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Retrograde Mercury Enters Sagittarius January 13th

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Retrograde Mercury Enters Sagittarius January 13th

   Today Mercury exits Cardinal Earth Capricorn on its retrograde cycle and reenters the Mutable Fire Sign of Sagittarius. Speedy Mercury is in conjunction with the Sun, tomorrow Mercury will be in exact Inferior Conjunction. This means that Mercury's energy is completely annihilated by the Sun, so for the these three days all financial transactions and business communications should be avoided.

   The Waxing Crescent Moon is in Aquarius, the Fixed Air Sign ruled by Saturn is giving wonderful opportunities for socializing, spending time with friends and family. Don't stay alone, these couple of days are ideal to be around people. If your Birth Chart doesn't indicate otherwise, wear pearls and moonstone to be fully in tune with the growing energy of the Moon. New ideas, new ways of seeing the world, friendships, relationships are the major influences presently available for us from as the Moon transits Aquarius.

   This social and relationship aspect is enhanced by Venus, as the Planet of Beauty, Wealth and Love is leaving Saturn behind. Still in Scorpio, but no longer in conjunction with Saturn, Venus is now fully functional and exuding sexual attraction and strong magnetism. If you have romantic plans, this is a good time for wearing diamonds, white topaz, white sapphire!
 Diamond, the primary gemstone for Venus.
 White Sapphire, the traditional secondary gem recommended by Vedic Astrologers for channeling the energy of Venus.
White Topaz, a relatively inexpensive, yet very effective gem for attracting Love, Romance, Beauty and Wealth.

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