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Monday, January 25, 2016

Mercury at Direct Station in Sagittarius

Today the Planet Mercury is at its Direct Station in the Mutable Fire Sign of Sagittarius. Direct Station is the point, where a planet seems to stand still after moving Retrograde and before resuming its Forward Motion. As Mercury is a fast moving planet, it will be only a few hours at this stand still position. All the problems caused by Retrograde and Combust Mercury since the beginning of the year have finally came to an end. As Mercury resumes its Forward path, it gives us all the energy we need for monetary transactions, commerce, business and communication.

   This is an absolutely fantastic time to reengage in these activities, all the more, as Sagittarius is Ruled by Jupiter, and right now the whole sign is also aspected by the Planet Jupiter, (currently in Leo) creating a perfect environment for growth, expansion and Fabulous Luck!!! Business plans, negotiations starting right now have an excellent chance to succeed, supported by both Mercury and Jupiter.

   Mercury will enter the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn on the 9th of February, after that date it will no longer be under the growth promoting influence of Jupiter, so take advantage of these 15 days for business dealings and negotiations! This is the time to wear Emeralds and Yellow Sapphires. These two gems can be worn together at the same time without any adverse effect as Mercury and Jupiter are not "enemy planets", but please check your Birth Chart to see whether these gemstones are suitable for you or not!
Emerald, the Primary Gemstone for harnessing the beneficial effects of the Planet Mercury
Yellow Sapphire is the Primary Gem for Lucky Jupiter

The Planet Jupiter, also known as the "Greater Benefic" is represented in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck by the 10th card of the Major Arcana, the Wheel of Fortune.
Wheel of Fortune X the Planet Jupiter

This is the card of Good Luck, monetary gain, fortune, the cycle of life, change and fate. Astrologically the Wheel of Fortune X is related to the Temperance XIV representing the sign of Sagittarius, and The Moon XVIII representing Pisces. These are the two signs of the Zodiac ruled by Jupiter. Both Sagittarius and Pisces are Mutable signs.When the Wheel of Fortune card shows up in a Tarot Spread with either of these cards, Jupiter gets reinforced and helped by them.

The Moon XVIII the Mutable Water Sign Pisces, ruled by Jupiter

Temperance IV the Mutable Fire Sign Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter
 As the Planet of Good Luck Jupiter is in Exaltation in the sign of Cancer and in astrological Fall in Capricorn, The Chariot VII card will also be helpful if it is present in the Spread.
The Chariot VII Cardinal Water sign Cancer, where Jupiter is Exalted

If The Devil XV shows up in the Tarot Spread, it will have a considerable weakening effect on the Wheel of Fortune, as Jupiter is weak (in Fall) in the Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn.
The Devil XV Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn, where Jupiter is in Fall

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