As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Full Moon in Cancer

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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Full Moon in Cancer

Today is the Full Moon in Cancer, a wonderful day for romance, artistic pursuits and creative endeavors. The Full Moon has always been considered auspicious by different cultures across the Globe because of the breath taking beauty of the Moon in its full glory in the night sky. In reality, the Full Moon can have several adverse effects, depending on which sign the Moon occupies during the Full Moon. Today is a truly auspicious and safe Full Moon, as the Moon is in its own sign, the Cardinal Water Sign, Cancer.
As it is the Ruler of Cancer, the energy of the Moon is right now devoid of all confusing and psychologically disturbing side effects. The Full Moon in Cancer has a very strong feminine energy, enhancing imagination, creativity, and an overwhelming feeling of interconnectedness with our unconscious and with the Universe. Don't hold back, embrace the Full Moon tonight and get in touch with the elemental feminine energies of the Moon.
Natural Pearls are the traditional Gems for the Moon
Moonstones are the Secondary Gemstones that are excellent to attract the mysterious energy of the Moon

Wear your Pearls and Moonstones, and spend some time outdoors tonight to enjoy the beauty of the Full Moon. Today is an excellent day for a romantic evening. Other than love and romance, artists will greatly benefit from the Full Moon in Cancer.
As the Moon is the fastest moving of the Planets, it is very important to know its position in the Birth Chart. Knowing which House the Moon occupies in the Birth Chart can tell you exactly which area of your life is affected by the fast moving, waxing waning Moon. In addition to the House (Bhava) the Zodiac Sign where the Moon was at the moment of birth is also very important. (also known as the "Moon Sign")

In the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the Moon is represented by the number 2 card of the Major Arcana The High Priestess II. The Astrological sign Cancer is represented by the number 7 card, The Chariot VII. In the Minor Arcana the 4 of Cups is also known as "The Lord of Blended Pleasure" Moon in Cancer.

The Chariot is the card of controlled effort and focused balancing power. It represents the Cardinal Water Sign, Cancer. The Water Element always contains an inherent danger and mysterious depth beneath the often peaceful surface. Similarly, the charioteer is steering his vehicle in a steady peace, but upon inspection, the imagery reveals that there are in fact opposing forces in play and it takes supreme effort and skill from the charioteer to manage to control these forces and advance according to his desire. As Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, there is also an aspect of beginning, opening, advancing, which is clearly seen in The Chariot.
The Chariot -Cancer

The High Priestess II is the Moon. Duality between the hidden and the obvious, the conscious and the subconscious, harmony, balance, emotions, secret knowledge, feminine power.
The High Priestess - Moon

The 4 of Cups, as all cards in the Suit of Cups refers to emotions and feelings. Cups represent the element of Water, and the 4s represent stability structure and security. The 4 of Cups, depending on its place in the Tarot Spread means ennui, boredom, emotional stagnation, self absorption and emotional dissatisfaction. It is often a warning card to remind the Querent that he or she needs to pay attention to opportunities instead of being too jaded and bored.
"The Lord of Blended Pleasure" Moon in Cancer 4 of Cups

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