As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Planetary Influences for February 2016

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Friday, January 29, 2016

Planetary Influences for February 2016


Sun is in the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn until the 13th, when it moves to the Fixed Air Sign Aquarius. Both of these Signs are ruled by the Planet Saturn. Sun in Aquarius will be under the aspect of Mars after the 21st of February. Life Giving Sun is not happy in Aquarius as it is the "Natural Enemy" of the Sign's Ruling Planet Saturn. 
The aspect from the Warrior Planet, Mars will add some aggression and frustration to the already uncomfortable energy of Sun in Aquarius. As the Shadow Planet Ketu is occupying Aquarius at the moment, it will have further negative effects on the Sun, causing self doubt, lack of confidence, low self esteem.
New Moon will be on the 8th of February in Aquarius. The New Moon in conjunction with the Sun and Ketu in the Fixed Air Sign ruled by Saturn.

Full Moon in Virgo the Mutable Earth Sign of Mercury on the 24th.  Full Moon in Virgo is very well placed, enhancing the positive and very attractive qualities of the Moon, beauty, love, kindness and creativity. The second Full Moon of this year will be a safe and powerful one.
Speedy Mercury will enter Capricorn on the 9th of February, leaving behind both the Sign and the growth promoting, expanding aspect of Jupiter. In Capricorn Mercury will be under the aspect of Saturn and also in a Sign ruled by Saturn. This double Saturn effect will require some adjustment of business activities and communication, as Saturn is the Planet of Discipline and Hard Work and Practicality.

Venus, the Planet of Beauty, Art, Love and Luxury will follow Mercury from Sagittarius into Capricorn on the 12th of February. As Venus is in Planetary Friendship with Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, it is very well placed in the sign. Similarly, the aspect of Saturn will be beneficial for the Planet of Love. Auspicious time for Art and Romance.

Mars leaves the Cardinal Air sign Libra and enters its own sign the Fixed Water Sign Scorpio on the 21st.  As Mars is the ruler of the Sign, this is a very good placement, bringing great opportunities for action and achievements. For the next few months Mars is going to share Scorpio with Saturn. These two have very different energies and they are "Natural Enemies" but in Scorpio Mars and Saturn together can give positive results, if one doesn't let hot headed impulses win over long time considerations. 

Lucky Jupiter is in the Fixed Fire sign Leo, joined by Rahu. Rahu and Jupiter in the House ruled by the Sun can be explosive, so pay attention to desires and greed getting the upper hand over morals and integrity. Right now Both Jupiter and Rahu are under the aspect of Scorpio, so some delays can be expected along with the need to be diligent and hard working. Depending on the Birth Chart, Jupiter-Rahu conjunction can also be a very prosperous time for growth and expansion in business, wealth and social status.

Saturn, the Great Disciplinary will remain in Scorpio for the whole month, joined by Mars on the 21st of February. Scorpio is the Sign of Death, Secrets, Mysteries and Hidden Knowledge. While Saturn can cause hardship and delays, this placement is very auspicious for students of the Occult, provided they follow the "rules" of Saturn and they remain disciplined and persevering.

Rahu is in Leo with Jupiter for the whole month, both Retrograde, as the Shadow Planets Rahu and Ketu are naturally Retrograde, and Jupiter is in its Retrograde Cycle.
Ketu in Aquarius will be conjunct with the Sun from the 13th, both receiving the Aspect of Mars after the 21st of February. The apathetic renouncing nature of Ketu will benefit from the energetic and action oriented Mars.

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