As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Tarot Card of the Day: Strength VIII

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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Tarot Card of the Day: Strength VIII

As the Shadow Planets Rahu and Ketu recently transited into Leo and Aquarius recently, we are going to look at the Tarot Cards that represent these two Astrological Signs.
Strength VIII The Astrological Sign Leo

Strength is the number 8 card in the Major Arcana. In a Tarot Spread, depending on its placement it can mean effortless domination, strength, effortless mastery, skill, manipulation, creative approach and the power of virtue.

As the Strength card stands for Leo, it carries with it the Astrological Connotations of the Sign. Leo is the Fixed Fire Sign, masculine, strong, passionate and immensely creative and family oriented. The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) Magha, Purva Phalguni, and a segment of Uttara Phalguni are located in the Sign of Leo.
Passionate Leo is ruled by the Sun If The Sun XIX shows up in the same Tarot Spread, it will reinforce the energy of the Strength card.
The Sun XIX represents the Sun, Ruler of Leo

Numerically Strength VIII is related to all the 8 cards of the Minor Arcana, and the 17. card The Star of the Major Arcana (which is incidentally the card of Aquarius, the Sign where Ketu is located at this moment)
17 (1+7)=8 The Star XVII
8 of Cups (Water)
8 of Swords (Air)
8 of Pentacles (Earth)
8 of Wands (Fire)

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