As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Finding Auspicious Time for Greater Luck and Success

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Monday, February 1, 2016

Finding Auspicious Time for Greater Luck and Success

As the Signs and Planets at the moment of birth affect us throughout our entire lives, our everyday activities are also influenced by the Planetary Support or Adversity we continuously receive from the heavens. By knowing the nature of these influences and consciously planning our day to day activities according to the placement of Signs and Planets in the Birth Chart, we can fine tune our lives for Greater Luck and Success.
Horas (Planetary Hours) must be carefully calculated for each day on every location, as they depend on the exact timing of the sunrise and sunset.

The time between sunrise and sunset are divided by 12. This gives the length of the Day Horas. The time between sunset and sunrise are also divided by 12, giving us the exact length of the Night Horas. 
Here in Malaysia we have 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of night time because we are very close to the Equator. In practical terms this means that both Day Horas and Night Horas are 1 hour each. In higher latitudes (going farther from the Equator either South or North) the difference between the length of the Day and Night Horas, as well as the yearly fluctuation is a lot greater. 

The order of the Planets ruling the individual Horas is the following:

Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, (and it always repeats in this order)

On Sundays the 1st Hora is the Hora of the Sun

On Mondays the 1st Hora is the Hora of the Moon

On Tuesdays the 1st Hora is the Hora of Mars

On Wednesdays the 1st Hora is the Hora of Mercury

On Thursdays the 1st Hora is the Hora of Jupiter

On Fridays the 1st Hora is the Hora of Venus

On Saturdays the 1st Hora is the Hora of Saturn

You can simply go with the system of Natural Malefic Planet give unlucky Horas, and Natural Benefic Planets give auspicious Horas, but I find this a too broad brush approach. Astrology gives way better results when it is carefully calculated on individual basis.

The best way to harness the power of the Planets in our daily life is based on the Birth Chart. Identify the Ruling Planet of the Sign in your Birth Chart that occupies the House associated with the action you want to perform, and perform this action in the Hora of the Ruling Planet.

If you want to propose, or have a romantic date, do it during the Hora of the Ruler of your 7th House . If you want to send out a resume, do it during the Hora of the Lord of your 10th House, etc, etc.

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