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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Venus enters the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn

Tomorrow the Planet of Love Venus enters the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn. Venus leaves the benefic Aspect of Jupiter and also the House of Jupiter, Sagittarius, to enter Capricorn, both ruled and Aspected by Saturn.
Shukra Deva the representation of the Planet Venus in Vedic Astrology

Unlike Mercury, Venus is very comfortable under the influence of Saturn, as these two Planets are in Planetary Friendship. Venus in the Signs of Saturn brings auspicious time for art, love, romance and marriage, and Capricorn being a Cardinal Sign it is a particularly good time to initiate long term projects in these fields, as well as in businesses involved in fashion, cosmetic industry, entertainment and vehicles.

Rough White Sapphire the Secondary Planetary Gem for Venus
These projects if started during this time will greatly benefit from the Earth Element of Capricorn, providing the grounding energy necessary for the development and long term success of the venture.

Rough White Topaz excellent Gem for attracting the energy of Venus
Venus shares the Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion) Uttatashada with Mercury, as the two Planets are only 4 degrees apart. This Conjunction of Mercury and Venus is favorable for negotiations and communication regarding the industries associated with Venus, even though the Planet Mercury is not really in its element and comfort in Capricorn.

Princess cut Diamond the Primary Gemstone for Venus
Excellent time for wearing Diamond, White Sapphire and White Topaz.

The whole Sign of Capricorn is right now also under the Aspect of the Warrior Planet, Mars from Libra, the martial energy influencing all three Planets currently in Capricorn.

The Empress III representing Venus in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck
Sun, Venus and Mercury will benefit from Mars's energy, as focused strength, self confidence and a certain amount of aggression will be a very welcome addition to the energies of these Planets. The courage of Mars on well placed Venus is a perfect time for marriage proposals, especially as Mars is Aspecting Venus from the Cardinal Air Sign Libra, keeping the Planet of War in a balanced and diplomatic mood.

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