As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Sun enters Aquarius

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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sun enters Aquarius

Today the Sun enters the Fixed Air Sign Aquarius ruled by Saturn. As with every transit moment, this is the time for new beginnings on a smaller scale, reflecting new opportunities and changes in our everyday life. Sun in Aquarius brings innovative ideas and a free spirited approach, the Element of Air being very pronounced during this transit, affecting ideas and thoughts.

Red Tourmaline Gem for the Sun
The Sun is right now sharing the Sign with Ketu and the presence of the Shadow Planet in Aquarius is going to cause some pessimism and self doubt, but the Aspect of Lucky Jupiter from Leo brings opportunities for growth and expansion. During this transit, best is to trust your ideas and allow your imagination to roam freely, as really good ideas regarding carrier and business can become fruitful and profitable under the Aspect of Jupiter, but make sure you are meticulous in the implementation of these ideas, because Saturn, the Ruler of Aquarius demands discipline and dedication in work matters.

Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye, the Planetary Gem for Ketu
Ketu is going to give a boost for scientific research, so this Sun-Ketu conjunction in Aquarius is extremely favorable for people working in the field of science. If allowed by the Dasha (Planetary Period) and the Birth Chart, wearing the Planetary Gems of the Sun (Ruby, Red Garnet, Red Spinel, Red Tourmaline) will enhance the power of the Sun, which is particularly beneficial for the first few days of the transit, setting the "tone" for Sun's journey through Aquarius.
Yellow Sapphire the Planetary Gem for Jupiter

Jupiter and Rahu Conjunct in the Fixed Fire Sign Leo are receiving the Aspect of the Sun from Aquarius, bringing out the more positive aspects of Rahu during this transit. The power of Jupiter and Rahu are magnified as Leo is Ruled by the Sun and currently also Aspected by the Sun, bringing wonderful opportunities for gain, profit and expansion in business.

Hessonite Garnet the Gemstone of Rahu
Rahu's tendency to tempt us to use unethical means are greatly weakened by the Sun, leaving us with a reasonably safe and very powerful energy for growth. Wearing Yellow Sapphire or Hessonite Garnet (Gomed) can be very lucky for attracting wealth and encouraging growth and development of business projects. wearing different gemstones at the same time
Because Jupiter is still in its Retrograde Cycle this Auspicious Planetary Position is still not favorable for real estate.

Moonstone the Secondary Gem of the Moon
The Waxing Moon is in Aries today in the Lunar Mansion Bharani, exchanging Aspects with Mars in Leo. This mutual Aspect of Moon and Mars in Fire Signs are favorable for forging ahead with romantic plans, and projects related to art. This is not the "creative time" this is the time to take action in these areas of life. As the Moon moves very fast, this alignment only last for the next 24 hours or so, so take advantage of this moment!
Red Carnelian the Secondary Gem for Mars

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