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Monday, February 8, 2016

Astrological Signs and the Tarot

Aries (Mesa) is the 1st of the Signs of the Zodiac. It is a Cardinal Fire Sign represented by the Ram. This is the sign of initiation, martial spirit, competitiveness, action, leadership and dynamism. Aries is located between 0° and 30° on the Celestial Equator.
The Emperor IV Aries

The ruler of Aries is Mars
The Tower XVI Mars

Mars is Mooltrikona 0°-12° Aries

The Sun is Exalted 10° Aries
The Sun XIX the Sun

Saturn is in Debilitation 20° Aries
The World XXI Saturn

The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) situated within Aries are:

Ashwini  (0° - 13°20') Ruled by Ketu

Bharani  (13°20' - 26°40') Ruled by Venus

Krittika  (26°40' Aries - 10° Taurus) Ruled by Sun

The Sun transits Aries yearly between the 15th of April and 15th of May (approx)

Taurus (Vrsabha) is the 2nd Sign of the Zodiac. It is a Fixed Earth Sign represented by the Bull. Persistency, stubbornness, dependability, loyalty, materialism and generosity are the dominant characteristics of Taurus. Taurus is located between 30° and 60° on the Celestial Equator.
The Hierophant V Taurus

The Ruler of Taurus is Venus
The Empress III Venus

Moon is Exalted 0°-3° Taurus
The High Priestess II Moon

The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) situated within Taurus are:
Krittika  (26°40' Aries - 10° Taurus) Ruled by Sun
Rohini (10° - 23°20') Ruled by the Moon
Mrigashira (23°20' Taurus -  6°40' Gemini) Ruled by Mars
The Sun transits Taurus yearly between the 15th of May and 15th of June (approx)

Gemini (Mithuna) is the 3rd Sign of the Zodiac. It is a Mutable Air Sign, represented by the Twins. Independence, intelligence, adaptability, indecision, superficiality and wit are the dominant characteristics of Gemini. Gemini is located between 60° and 90° on the Celestial Equator.
The Lovers VI Gemini

Ruled by Mercury
The Magician I Mercury

The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) situated within Gemini are:
Mrigashira (23°20' Taurus -  6°40' Gemini) Ruled by Mars
Adra (6°40' - 20°) Ruled by Rahu
Punarvasu  (20° Gemini - 3°20' Cancer) Ruled by Jupiter
The Sun transits Gemini yearly between the 15th of June and 15th of July (approx)

Cancer (Karka) is the 4th Sign of the Zodiac. It is a Cardinal Water Sign represented by the Crab. Strong emotions, intuition, shyness, moodiness, tenacity, protectiveness and shrewdness are the dominant characteristics of Cancer. Cancer  is located between 90° and 120° on the Celestial Equator.
The Chariot VII Cancer

Ruled by the Moon
The High Priestess II Moon

Moon is Mooltrikona 4° - 20° Cancer
Jupiter is Exalted 0°-5° Cancer
Wheel of Fortune X Jupiter

Mars in Debilitation 28° Cancer
The Tower XVI Mars

The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) situated within Cancer are:
Punarvasu  (20° Gemini - 3°20' Cancer) Ruled by Jupiter
Pushya (3°20' -16°40') Ruled by Saturn
Aslesha (16°40' - 30°) Ruled by Mercury
The Sun transits Cancer yearly between the 15th of July and 15th of August (approx)

Leo (Simha) is the 5th Sign of the Zodiac. It is a Fixed Fire Sign represented by the Lion. Power, high energy, dignity, passion, creativity, love of family, generosity, egotism, pride are the dominant characteristics of Leo. Leo is located between 120° and 150° on the Celestial Equator.
Strength VIII Leo

Ruled by the Sun
The Sun XIX the Sun

Sun is Mooltrikona 0°-20° Leo
The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) situated within Leo are:
Magha (0° - 13°20') Ruled by Ketu
Purva Phalguni (13°20' - 26°40') Ruled by Venus
Uttara Phalguni (26°40' Leo - 10° Virgo) Ruled by the Sun
The Sun transits Leo yearly between the 15th of August and 15th of September (approx)

Virgo (Kanya) is the 6th Sign of the Zodiac. It is a Mutable Earth Sign represented by the Maiden. Analytical mind, inflexibility, reliability, precision, reliability, observation and helpfulness are the dominant characteristics of Virgo. Virgo is located between 150° and 180° on the Celestial Equator.
The Hermit IX Virgo

Ruled by Mercury
The Magician I Mercury

Mercury is in Exaltation 0° - 15° Virgo
Mercury is Mooltrikona 16° - 20° Virgo
Venus in Debilitation 27° Virgo
The Empress III Venus

The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) situated within Virgo are:
Uttara Phalguni (26°40' Leo - 10° Virgo) Ruled by the Sun
Hasta (10° - 23°20') Ruled by the Moon
Chitra (23°20' Virgo - 6°40' Libra) Ruled by Mars
The Sun transits Virgo yearly between the 15th of September and 15th of October (approx)

Libra (Tula) is the 7th Sign of the Zodiac. It is a Cardinal Earth Sign represented by the Scale. Diplomacy, balance, gracefulness, vanity, superficiality, indecision, unreliability, peacefulness, idealism are the dominant characteristics of Libra. Libra is located between 180° and 210° on the Celestial Equator.
Justice XI Libra

Ruled by Venus
The Empress III Venus

Venus is Mooltrikona 0° - 15° Libra
Saturn is Exalted 20° Libra
The World XXI Saturn

Sun is in Debilitation 10° Libra
The Sun XIX Sun

The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) situated within Libra are:
Chitra (23°20' Virgo - 6°40' Libra) Ruled by Mars
Swati (6°40' - 20°) Ruled by Rahu
Visakha (20° Libra - 3°20' Scorpio) Ruled by Jupiter
The Sun transits Libra yearly between the 15th of October and 15th of November (approx)

Scorpio (Vrscika) is the 8th Sign of the Zodiac. It is a Fixed Water Sign represented by the Scorpion. Passionate, secretive, resourceful, dynamic, observant, obsessive, unyielding, manipulative are the dominant characteristics of Scorpio. Scorpio is located between 210° and 240° on the Celestial Equator.

Death XIII Scorpio

Ruled by Mars
The Tower XVI Mars

Moon is in Debilitation 3° Scorpio
The High Priestess II Moon

The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) situated within Scorpio are:
Visakha (20° Libra - 3°20' Scorpio) Ruled by Jupiter
Anuradha (3°20' - 16°40') Ruled by Saturn
Jyeshta (16°40' - 30°) Ruled by Mercury
The Sun transits Scorpio yearly between the 15th of November and 15th of December (approx)

Sagittarius (Dhanusa) is the 9th Sign of the Zodiac. It is a Mutable Fire Sign represented by the Archer. Independence, religion, philosophy, law, emotional unavailability, optimism, recklessness, creativity are the dominant characteristics of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is located between 240° and 270° on the Celestial Equator.
Temperance XIV Sagittarius

Ruled by Jupiter
Wheel of Fortune X Jupiter

Jupiter is Mooltrikona 0° - 10° Sagittarius
The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) situated within Sagittarius are:
Mula (0° - 13°20') Ruled by Ketu
Purva Ashada (13°20' - 26°40') Ruled by Venus
Uttara Ashada (26°40' Sagittarius -10° Capricorn ) Ruled by the Sun
The Sun transits Sagittarius yearly between the 15th of December and 15th of January (approx)

Capricorn (Makara) is the 10th Sign of the Zodiac. It is a Cardinal Earth Sign represented by the Goat. Patience, responsibility, ambition, loyalty, resourcefulness, lack of imagination, dictatorial, inhibition are the dominant characteristics of Capricorn. Capricorn is located between 270° and 300° on the Celestial Equator.

The Devil XV Capricorn

Ruled by Saturn
The World XXI Saturn

Mars is Exalted 28° Capricorn
The Tower XVI Mars

Jupiter is in Debilitation 5° Capricorn
Wheel of Fortune X Jupiter

The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) situated within Capricorn are:
Uttara Ashada (26°40' Sagittarius -10° Capricorn ) Ruled by the Sun
Sravana (10° - 23°20') Ruled by the Moon
Dhanistha (23°20' Capricorn - 6°40' Aquarius) Ruled by Mars
The Sun transits Capricorn yearly between the 15th of January and 15th of February (approx)

Aquarius (Kumbha) is the 11th Sign of the Zodiac. It is a Fixed Air Sign represented by the Water Bearer. Wit, cleverness, originality, humanitarian endeavors, sarcasm, stubbornness, inventiveness, rebellion are the dominant characteristics of Aquarius. Aquarius is located between 300° and 330° on the Celestial Equator.
The Star XVII Aquarius

Ruled by Saturn
The World XXI Saturn

Saturn is Mooltrikona 0° - 20° Aquarius
The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) situated within Aquarius are:
Dhanistha (23°20' Capricorn - 6°40' Aquarius) Ruled by Mars
Shatabisha (6°40' - 20°) Ruled by Rahu
Purva Proshtapada (20° Aquarius - 3°20' Pisces) Ruled by Jupiter
The Sun transits Aquarius yearly between the 15th of February and 15th of March (approx)

Pisces (Meena) is the 12th Sign of the Zodiac. It is a Mutable Water Sign represented by a Fishes. Compassion, adaptability, imagination, devotion, sensitivity, indecision, apathy are the dominant characteristics of Pisces. Pisces is located between 330° and 360° on the Celestial Equator.
The Moon XVIII Pisces

Ruled by Jupiter
Wheel of Fortune X Jupiter

Venus is Exalted 27° Pisces
The Empress III Venus

Mercury is in Debilitation 15° Pisces
The Magician I Mercury

The Lunar Mansions (Nakshatras) situated within Pisces are:

Purva Proshtapada (20° Aquarius - 3°20' Pisces) Ruled by Jupiter

Uttara Proshtapada (3°20' - 16°40') Ruled by Saturn

Revati  (16°40' - 30°) Ruled by Ketu

The Sun transits Pisces yearly between the 15th of March and 15th of April (approx)

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