As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Mars enters its own sign the Fixed Water Sign Scorpio

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Mars enters its own sign the Fixed Water Sign Scorpio

Today the Warrior Planet Mars entered the Fixed Water Sign Scorpio to join Saturn. This is a very good placement for the Planet, as Mars is the Ruler of Scorpio. Mars transiting Scorpio brings out the feminine, secretive and manipulative qualities of Mars. During this transit we can expect secret plots and hidden enemies, especially in the work place. Although Mars is a Natural Malefic, in Scorpio the Warrior Planet is not really malicious, but problems can arise from the straight forward nature of the planet being expressed in a covert manner. The Conjunction of Mars and Saturn will make this time all about work and effort.
Red Coral the Planetary Gem for Channeling the Energy of Mars

Sun and Ketu Conjunct in the Fixed Air Sign Aquarius is under the aspect of Lucky Jupiter from Leo, and Mars from Scorpio. As Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, here again we see the effect of Mars and Saturn energies together. The work and effort pattern. The aspect of Jupiter adds a potential of growth to the mix, and Mars's inherent strength and vigor helps the otherwise pessimistic and lethargic mood caused by Ketu. As Aquarius is all about thoughts, don't let lack of confidence and low self esteem stop you from developing new ideas, especially regarding carrier. The benefic aspect of Jupiter brings a wonderfully creative and fruitful time for scientists and researchers.

Ketu represented in Vedic Culture

Mercury and Venus Conjunct in the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn is exchanging aspects with the Waxing Moon in Cancer. Moon is Mooltrikona, a very powerful position especially in the waxing cycle, like right now. This mutual aspect makes this a short but extremely auspicious time for communication regarding romantic matters and art. This is a perfect time for action in financial matters for businesses in the fields of fashion, beauty, e commerce and advertising. Remember that this mutual aspect is very short lived as the Moon changes Lunar Mansions every day, and by tomorrow it will be in Leo, joining Jupiter and Rahu. Opportunities given by the transit and aspects of the Moon must be seized right away.

Moon is the fastest moving Planet, influencing our daily lives to the strongest degree

Speedy Mercury and Venus the Planet of Beauty are only 5 degrees apart in the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn, in the Nakshatra Shravana ruled by the Moon. The energies of this conjunction under the influence of the Moon provide fabulous opportunities for increased cash flow and success in businesses related to Venus. In private matters, this is the time for communication with loved ones, marriage proposals, engagement.
Citrine Secondary Gemstone for Jupiter

Lucky Jupiter and Rahu in the Fixed Fire Sign Leo are only 2 degrees apart. Although Jupiter is still Retrograde, this closeness gives incredible potential for growth and expansion. But make sure you err on the side of the legal and the moral, as Rahu does have a tendency to encourage greed to get out of hand. The aspect of Saturn can make the result of a bold and daring action somewhat delayed, but spectacular results are coming all the same.
Hessonite Garnet (Gomed) the Gemstone of Rahu

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