As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Venus and Mercury in the House of Jupiter

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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Venus and Mercury in the House of Jupiter

Today Mercury and Venus are in conjunction in the Mutable Fire Sign Sagittarius. These two Planets are also under the Benefic aspect of Jupiter and Rahu, conjunct in the Fixed Fire Sign Leo
Rough Yellow Sapphire (Jupiter)

Even though Rahu is widely considered a Malefic, when conjunct with Jupiter Rahu can really add superior strength to the "gains" and "growth" already provided by Jupiter. 
Rough Hessonite Garnet/Gomed (Rahu)

This is a really auspicious placement for Venus and Mercury. Art, romance, relationships, business transactions, financial dealings started during this period will automatically benefit from Lucky Jupiter. 
Rough Tsavorite Garnet (Mercury)

This is the right time for signing contracts, investments, submitting job applications, marriage proposals and launching art related projects. 
Rough White Topaz (Venus)

Mercury will transit into the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn on the 9th of February and Venus on the 12th of February, leaving behind both the House ruled by Jupiter and the expanding, growing effect given by the aspect of Jupiter.

Once in Capricorn these two Planets will be aspected by Mars (from the 9th and 12 respectively until the 21st), and also by Saturn (during their whole transit) so plans relating to Venus and Mercury will have a lot higher chance for quick success and growth if those plans are initiated while these Planets are still in Sagittarius under the auspicious influence of the Jupiter Rahu aspect!
Rough Emerald (Mercury)

Wear the Planetary Gems for Mercury and Venus for the next few days and consciously focus on the positive energy that is available right now in order to give your upcoming projects that extra boost and ensure their success! Luckily Diamonds can be worn together with Emeralds at the same time. see more on which gems can be worn together
Rough Diamond (Venus)

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