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Monday, February 22, 2016

Full Moon in the Fixed Fire Sign Leo

Photo of The Moon
Today the Full Moon is in the Fixed Fire Sign Leo, ruled by the Sun. The Moon is in the Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion) Magha at the moment of its fullness. 
Magha "The Mighty One" is ruled by Ketu, and it is a somewhat problematic Lunar Mansion, as its energy is strong, forceful and harsh. This domineering, proud energy can be harnessed for creative projects, arts, literature, but it is not beneficial for interpersonal relationships. 

Magha (Regulus) in the Constellation Leo
 Lucky Jupiter and Rahu are also in Leo, but this month we are not getting an eclipse as the Moon and Rahu are too far apart. (For the next year and half all eclipses will happen in Aquarius and Leo, because of the presence of Ketu and Rahu respectively in these signs.) 
Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions) within the Zodiac

As always, the day of the Full Moon is Auspicious, a good time for socializing, getting together with friends and family and also perfect for a romantic evening. Incidentally, this Full Moon marks the official end of the Chinese New Year Festivities

As Leo is ruled by the Sun, this Full Moon is not quite as peaceful and serene as last month's Full Moon in Cancer. There is a lot of pride, domination and passion when the Moon is in Leo, be careful that these impulses don't get the better of you when dealing with others. 
The High Priestess II represents the Moon in the Tarot Deck

The presence of Lucky Jupiter and Rahu in Leo adds an energy of expansion and growth to the mix, which makes this Full Moon quiet complex and powerful. Creativity and artistic endeavors will get a wonderfully strong boost, and have the potential to be richly rewarded. 
Moonstone the Secondary Gem of the Moon

In relationships and romantic matters give free reign to your passion, but watch out for obsessive behavior, as Rahu can wreak havoc with obsessive, sometimes even manic tendencies.The Full Moon is receiving Saturn's Aspect from the Fixed Water Sign Scorpio, somewhat diluting the explosive nature of today's Full Moon
Pearl the Gemstone of the Moon set in silver ring

Wear Natural Pearls and Moonstones to channel the nurturing energy of the Moon, and don't forget to go outside tonight to enjoy the beauty of the Full Moon in the night sky!

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