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Sunday, February 7, 2016

New Moon in Capricorn Chinese New Year

Tomorrow Sun and Moon will meet in the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and at this moment the sign is also under the Aspect of Saturn from Scorpio and the Aspect of Mars from Libra. This month's New Moon is the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice, thus marking the beginning of the Chinese New Year.
The Chinese Zodiac

The Aspect of Saturn, The Great Disciplinary does bring potential delays, but the Aspect of Mars on the Moon and Sun is a very positive and energetic influence.
Particularly so for the New Moon. Mars's courage and focus will make this Lunar Month very well suited for forging ahead with plans and projects relating to agriculture, arts, literature and love.

Moonstone the Secondary Gem for the Moon
Best to exercise some caution before taking action, because the Aspect of Saturn can cause some setbacks and delays in case of too hot headed action. Romantic plans will greatly benefit from the New Moon under the Aspect of Mars. The Warrior Planet is in Libra right now, so it's energy is strong and focused, but relatively non confrontational, making this a perfect time for marriage proposals, undertaking the logistics of wedding plannings and engagements.

Red Carnelian excellent for channeling Mars's focused energy
Businesses involved in the beauty industry, fashion, entertainment will receive favorable conditions for launching new products. Plans and dealings involving government (application for permits, approvals etc.) will take their own time, but there is a very good chance for success, so don't loose patience!

Rahu and Retrograde Jupiter Conjunct in the Fixed Fire Sign Leo are also Aspected by Saturn, so the fantastic and grandiose results promised by this Rahu Jupiter Conjunction are taking slower to materialize. Still not the right time for expansion and upgrading for businesses in real estate. Major investments and mergers should also be put on hold if possible, until Lucky Jupiter resumes its Forward Motion.

Emerald, the Traditional Planetary Gem for Mercury
Venus the Planet of Love and Luxury and Speedy Mercury are still in The Mutable Fire Sign Sagittarius under the Benefic Aspect from Jupiter and Rahu in Leo. Excellent time to initiate projects related to the internet and education, also for negotiations and job applications. In a couple of days Mercury will leave both the House and the Aspect of Jupiter, so take advantage of this time to ensure fast growth and success of new ventures. Wear the Planetary Gems recommended for Mercury and consciously embrace the energies of Mercury to increase your chances for success in business dealings!
Peridot, the Secondary Gemstone for Mercury

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