As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): The Nine Planets in Astrology

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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Nine Planets in Astrology

Planets (Grahas)
Navagraha ring, traditional Indian Jewelry representing the Nine Planets

Ruby the Gemstone of the Sun

Natural Malefic
Soul, ego, true will, central purpose in life, masculine
The Sun XIX the Tarot Card representing the Sun
Ruler of the Fixed Fire Sign Leo
Exalted in 10° Aries
Mooltrikona in 4° - 20° Leo
Debilitated in 10° Libra

Strong in Hora of the Sun (0° - 15° Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and 16° -30° Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn Pisces)

Sun aspects the 7th Sign from the Sign it is placed in.

Sun rules the Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions)
Krittika (26°40' Aries - 10° Taurus)
Uttara Phalguni (26°40' Leo - 10° Virgo)
Uttara Ashada (26°40' Sagittarius -10° Capricorn )

Pearl the Gemstone of the Moon

Natural Benefic
Mind, emotions, intuition, nurturing, feminine

The High Priestess II the Tarot Card representing the Moon

Ruler of the Cardinal Water Sign Cancer
Exalted in 3° Taurus
Mooltrikona in 4° - 20° Cancer
Debilitated in 3° Scorpio

Strong in Hora of the Moon (0° - 15° Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn Pisces and 16° -30° Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius)

Moon aspects the 7th Sign from the Sign it is placed in.

Moon rules the Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions)
Rohini (10° Taurus - 23°20' Taurus)
Hasta (10° Virgo - 23°20' Virgo)
Sravana (10° Capricorn - 23°20' Capricorn)

Emerald the Gemstone of Mercury

Natural Benefic
Education, intelligence, communication, writing, commerce, neutral gender

The Magician I the Tarot Card representing Mercury

Ruler of the Mutable Air Sign Gemini and the Mutable Earth Sign Virgo
Exalted in 15° Virgo
Mooltrikona in 16° - 20° Virgo
Debilitated in 15° Pisces

Around Sunrise and Sunset Mercury is strong in both Hora of the Sun and Hora of the Moon, other times it is neutral.

Mercury aspects the 7th Sign from the Sign it is placed in.

Mercury rules the Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions)
Aslesha (16°40' Cancer - 30° Cancer)
Jyeshta (16°40' Scorpio - 30° Scorpio)
Revati  (16°40' Pisces - 30° Pisces)

Diamond the Gemstone of Venus

Natural Benefic
Art, love, luxury, beauty, sensuous pleasures, marriage, feminine

The Empress III the Tarot Card representing Venus

Ruler of the Fixed Earth Sign Taurus and the Cardinal Air Sign Libra
Exalted in 27° Pisces
Mooltrikona in 0° - 15° Libra
Debilitated in 27° Virgo

Strong in Hora of the Sun (0° - 15° Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and 16° -30° Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn Pisces)

Venus  aspects the 7th Sign from the Sign it is placed in. 

Venus rules the Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions)
Bharani  (13°20' Aries - 26°40' Aries)
Purva Phalguni (13°20' Leo - 26°40' Leo)
Purva Ashada (13°20' Sagittarius - 26°40' Sagittarius)

Red Coral the Gemstone of Mars

Natural Malefic
Control, violence, drive, power, domination, strength, masculine

The Tower XVI the Tarot Card representing Mars

Ruler of the Cardinal Fire Sign Aries and the Fixed Water Sign Scorpio
Exalted in 28° Capricorn
Mooltrikona in 0° - 12° Aries
Debilitated in 28° Cancer

Strong in Hora of the Moon (0° - 15° Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn Pisces and 16° -30° Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius)

Mars aspects the 4th, 7th and 8th Signs from the Sign it is placed in.

Mars rules the Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions)
Mrigashira (23°20' Taurus -  6°40' Gemini)
Chitra (23°20' Virgo - 6°40' Libra)
Dhanistha (23°20' Capricorn - 6°40' Aquarius)

Yellow Sapphire the Gemstone of Jupiter

Natural Benefic
Creativity, Divine wisdom, growth, expansion, luck, vitality, joy, masculine

Wheel of Fortune X the Tarot Card representing Jupiter

Ruler of the Mutable Fire Sign Sagittarius and the Mutable Water Sign Pisces
Exalted in 5° Cancer
Mooltrikona in 0° - 10° Sagittarius
Debilitated in Capricorn

Strong in Hora of the Sun (0° - 15° Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and 16° -30° Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn Pisces)

Jupiter  aspects the 5th, 7th and 9th Signs from the Sign it is placed in.

Jupiter rules the Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions)
Punarvasu  (20° Gemini - 3°20' Cancer)
Visakha (20° Libra - 3°20' Scorpio)
Purva Proshtapada (20° Aquarius - 3°20' Pisces)

Blue Sapphire the Gemstone of Saturn

Natural Malefic
Discipline, limitation, time, hard work, delay, slow long term material creation, neutral

The World XXI the Tarot Card representing Saturn

Ruler of the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn and the Fixed air Sign Aquarius
Exalted in 20° Libra
Mooltrikona in 0° - 20° Aquarius
Debilitated in 20° Aries

Strong in Hora of the Moon (0° - 15° Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn Pisces and 16° -30° Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius)

Saturn aspects the 3rd, 7th and 10th Signs from the Sign it is placed in.

Saturn rules the Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions)
Pushya (3°20' Cancer -16°40' Cancer)
Anuradha (3°20' Scorpio - 16°40' Scorpio)
Uttara Proshtapada (3°20' Pisces - 16°40' Pisces)

Hessonite Garnet (Gomed) the Gemstone of Rahu

Natural Malefic
Worldly desire, material manifestation, greed, popularity, obsession, feminine
Rahu is not assigned rulership of a Sign, but it is very comfortable in Aquarius, Saturn's Fixed Air Sign.

Rahu aspects the 5th, 7th and 9th Signs from the Sign it is placed in.

Rahu rules the Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions)
Adra (6°40' Gemini - 20° Gemini)
Swati (6°40' Libra - 20° Libra)
Shatabisha (6°40' Aquarius - 20° Aquarius)

Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye the Gemstone of Ketu

Natural Malefic
Spirituality, otherworldly desire, non attachment, liberation, insight, neutral
Ketu is not assigned rulership of a Sign, but it is very comfortable in Scorpio, Mars's Fixed Water Sign

Ketu aspects the 5th, 7th and 9th Signs from the Sign it is placed in.

Ketu rules the Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions)
Ashwini (0° Aries - 13°20' Aries)
Magha (0° Leo - 13°20' Leo)
Mula (0° Sagittarius - 13°20' Sagittarius)

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