As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Mercury enters the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn

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Monday, February 8, 2016

Mercury enters the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn

Today Speedy Mercury enters the Cardinal Earth Sign Capricorn to join the Sun in the House of Saturn. Almost exactly at the same time with Mercury's arrival, Moon is leaving Capricorn and enters the Fixed Air Sign Aquarius.

Mercury in Capricorn, in the Sign ruled by Saturn will act somewhat slower than usual. This is not necessarily a bad placement for the Planet of Communication and Commerce even with Capricorn also being under the Aspect of Saturn from Scorpio, as far as the regular function of Mercury goes (education, communication, business, financial transactions, contracts) but this is not the good time to initiate any projects needing Mercury's energy. 

Saturn causes delays and setbacks as well as requires discipline and diligent work. A new venture has a lot higher chance of success if it is started when Mercury is in a better position, when it receives aspects or other influences from planets that promote "growth" and "development". 

Ruby is the Primary Planetary Gem for the Sun

Ongoing projects and established businesses will not be harmed by this period, in fact Mercury Aspected by Saturn can be a very positive time for long term planning. Right now Mars is also Aspecting Mercury and Sun from Libra, bringing energy, action and passion to this otherwise somewhat slow moving situation. Mars in Libra is very well balanced and its Aspect on the Sun is beneficial for increasing self confidence and focused efforts. 

Natural Red Spinel is a superb Secondary Gem for the Sun

Most businesses will do well during this period, provided they exercise caution and base their decisions on careful calculations instead of impulsive ideas. Due to Saturn's influence cash flow can be slower than usual while Mercury is in Capricorn, but by the end of February when Mercury transits into Aquarius, these delays will no longer be a problem. 

Red Carnelian the Secondary Gemstone for the Warrior Planet

Given the weak placement of Mercury, wearing Emerald, Peridot, or other Planetary Gems for Mercury won't be much use until the end of the month.  On the other hand, as Mars is Aspecting the Sun, wearing Ruby and Red Coral can indirectly bring Good Luck to business dealings by increasing focus, charisma and self confidence. Fortunately Ruby and Red Coral can be worn together without problems. (Unless, of course these gemstones are contraindicated by the Birth Chart!) 
Red Coral the Primary Gem for attracting the energy of Mars

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