As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Astrology. Who Believes In It anyway?

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Monday, February 22, 2016

Astrology. Who Believes In It anyway?

Sometimes it seems like the world is made up by two kind of people. One half who uses Astrology and the other half who thinks that only backwards idiots believe in such an "unscientific" thing. Needless to say, this attitude often makes the people who believe in Astrology rather defensive and often secretive. Let's take a good look at the people who believe in, and use the services of Astrologers. 

The most obvious characteristic of these people is that they have an inquiring mind and that they are willing to put a lot of effort into finding answers and solving problems. Usually people going to an Astrologer have already did their homework thoroughly. They have already covered all other methods of inquiry, and they go the extra mile for one more source of information.

Have you ever wondered why are financiers, politicians and stock brokers who use Astrologers so successful? The answer is twofold. They are successful because they make their decisions on the maximum number of possible information, and they are very open minded. This character trait already puts them among the potentially most successful, BEFORE they even entered the Astrologer's home.  

On top of this, the insights they gain by understanding current planetary transits are very useful, regardless of their personal Birth Charts. While every individual's Chart is different, global events, financial fluctuations and international trends depend mainly on the planetary positions of the moment. To put it simply, how a planet effects a person in his or her personal life is almost completely immaterial in the formation of global events. Of course, it is of the utmost importance as far as an individual's life is concerned. 

Understanding how the stars affect our personal lives is just one more step towards understanding the Universe and our interconnectedness with everything around us. This is another common denominator among people who believe in Astrology. The desire to understand and honor the Oneness of the Universe. As most people would agree, this is a very positive attitude. It makes a person more open, more friendly, more accepting. I am an Astrologer, so evidently I believe that Astrology is a valid way of inquiry, and that Astrology can be very accurate and it is extremely helpful. But the point here is not whether Astrology is true or false. I am simply talking about the people who believe in Astrology. 

Belief in Astrology is an extension of awareness. It is a sort of Ultimate Paying Attention to everything around us. It is also a manifestation of the recognition that none of us live in a vacuum. The Universal Energies present in the world have an effect on all of us, and recognizing this makes a person at least curious about the stars and planets in the sky. Letting go of the idea that we are living, feeling, experiencing, thinking, acting and reacting without external influences is the first step towards a better, more harmonious, more holistic and ultimately more successful life.


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