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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Planetary Periods (Dasha) and their Importance

Planetary Periods are extremely important in determining how is an individual affected by the current movement of the heavenly bodies. Even though the Birth Chart obviously remain the same during one's life, the effect of the position and aspect of the planets changes according to which Dasha is operating currently.

The Nine Planets represented in Traditional Vedic Astrology

Planetary Periods are determined by the exact position of the Moon at the moment of birth. Each Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion) is ruled by one of the 9 Planets. There are many different systems of Dasha known in Vedic Astrology, but by far the most popular and best understood among them is the Vimshottari Dasha.

The Dasha system is a unique feature of Indian Astrology, but more and more Western Astrologers are incorporating the idea of the Planetary Periods in their work, because this concept allows for very accurate predictions. Without taking the Dasha in account, it would be hard to understand why people with similar planetary alignments get so vastly different results from current transits.

The Dasha Lords (the Ruling Planet of the Lunar Mansion where the Moon was at the moment of Birth) express their energies according to the Planetary Periods. This is particularly useful in establishing time lines. For instance, the Birth Chart can nicely predict a good and happy marriage, but the timing of this marriage can only be seen through the Dasha system. The same goes for every different area of life, carrier, wealth, children, etc. This is why it is very important to know which Planetary Period is operating at the current moment.

How a Dasha will play out depends on the strength of the Dasha Lord in the Birth Chart. If a Planet is well placed in the Chart, its Dasha will also be easy and benefic, if badly placed, its Dasha will be a period of hardship. During the Dasha of a given planet, the characteristics of the planet and the areas of life determined by the Houses ruled and affected by this planet in the individual's Birth Chart will be in focus. Each Planet's period is of different length, and they follow always in this order.

Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye the Planetary Gem for Ketu

Ketu 7 years
If at the time of birth the Moon was in the Nakshatras: Ashwini, Magha or Mula, the person starts life with Ketu Dasha.
White Sapphire, the Secondary Gem for Venus

Venus 20 years
If at the time of birth the Moon was in the Nakshatras: Bharani, Purva Phalguni, or Purva Ashada, the person starts life with Venus Dasha.
Ruby the Planetary Gemstone for the Sun

Sun 6 years
If at the time of birth the Moon was in the Nakshatras: Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, or Uttara Ashada, the person starts life with Sun Dasha.
Natural Pearl, the Gemstone for the Moon

Moon 10 years
If at the time of birth the Moon was in the Nakshatras: Rohini, Hasta, or Sravana, the person starts life with Moon Dasha.
Red Coral the Planetary Gem for Mars

Mars 7 years
If at the time of birth the Moon was in the Nakshatras: Mrigashira, Chitra, or Dhanistha, the person starts life with Mars Dasha.
Hessonite Garnet/Gomed the Planetary Gem for Rahu

Rahu 18 years
If at the time of birth the Moon was in the Nakshatras: Adra, Swati, or Shatabisha, the person starts life with Rahu Dasha.
Yellow Sapphire the Planetary Gem for Jupiter

Jupiter 16 years
If at the time of birth the Moon was in the Nakshatras: Punarvasu, Visakha, or Purva Proshtapada, the person starts life with Jupiter Dasha.
Blue Sapphire the Planetary Gem for Saturn

Saturn 19 years
If at the time of birth the Moon was in the Nakshatras: Pushya, Anuradha, or Uttara Proshtapada, the person starts life with Saturn Dasha.
Emerald the Gemstone for Mercury

Mercury 17 years
If at the time of birth the Moon was in the Nakshatras: Aslesha, Jyeshta, or Revati, the person starts life with Mercury Dasha.

In addition to the more precise interpretation of the Birth Chart, knowing the Dasha also can predict how will current planetary positions, transits and aspect will effect an individual's life. Understanding the Dasha Lord's energies can give a profound insight and serve as a guiding light during their Planetary Periods.

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