As Featured On EzineArticles Tarotgems (Tarot Reading & Astrology): Rahu The Head of the Dragon in Astrology

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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rahu The Head of the Dragon in Astrology

Rahu is the Ascending Lunar Node. It is a very powerful Shadow Planet, situated where the orbit of the Moon crosses the Celestial Ecliptic. In Western Astrology it was known as Caput Draconis, The Head of the Dragon. Rahu (and the opposite Lunar Node, Ketu) has a naturally Retrograde Path. Right now Rahu is transiting the Fixed Fire Sign, Leo, sharing the sign with Retrograde Jupiter.

Diagram of the Lunar Orbit intersecting the Ecliptic

Astrological Symbols of Rahu and Ketu
    Even though in both Vedic and Western Astrology Rahu is considered a Natural Malefic, depending on the individual's Birth Chart, Rahu can be responsible for incredible wealth and good fortune. Both Shadow Planets, Rahu and Ketu are depositors of Karmic energy. Rahu can be the ultimate giver if it is well placed in the Birth Chart. During the Planetary Period (Dasha) of Rahu either extreme difficulties, or unbelievable good luck and growth happens. Rahu tend to take on the characteristics of the Planet that rules the Astrological Sign where Rahu is placed in the Birth Chart.
Indian representation of Rahu as one of the Navagraha (Nine Planets)

  The Planetary Gemstone for Rahu is Gomed (Hessonite Garnet). It is the "coldest" of the Planetary Gems, transmitting ultraviolet light. This beautiful gem should only be worn after careful consideration and meticulous astrological calculations, because Rahu is the Planet of Extremes, so Gomed will fast give either excellent, or disastrous results. Secondary Gems for Rahu can be other Garnets, Sapphire, Topaz, as long as the color and hue of the gem is the same, or at least very close to that of Gomed.

Faceted Gomed (Hessonite Garnet) the traditional Gem for Rahu

Orange Sapphire, wonderful Gem for Rahu

Rahu's effect is very powerful, no matter in which Sign or which House of the Birth Chart the Shadow Planet is in. The most effective way to deal with the challenges posed by Rahu is to understand Rahu's energies, and consciously work with the planet, since everybody will have Rahu somewhere in their Horoscope. As with all the "Malefic Planets" there is no escaping their influence! Gem remedies, lifestyle changes, but first and foremost conscious awareness will give the best results.

Natural Orange Quartz, opens the Second Chakra and mediates harmful effects of Rahu
Interestingly, the color orange is associated with the Second Chakra, the Seat of Desires and the gateway to unlimited knowledge and intuition. Wearing Hessonite Garnet and other orange gemstones will work through the aura to remove all blockages from the Svadhisthana, doing the work of Rahu, therefore clear the path for Karmic lessons to be learned and understood, allowing Rahu to act in a positive way.
The Second or Sacral Chakra Seat of Desires and Gateway to Unlimited Knowledge

Gomed (Hessonite Garnet)

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